Chegg Skills

Gamification / Badges


Chegg is an education technology company that provides homework help, digital and physical textbook rentals, textbooks, online tutoring, and other student services.

Chegg Skills is a branch dedicated to providing education for learners who come from a non-traditional education background. Chegg Skills uses their online programs teach practical, real-world skills in a wide range of in-demand fields - which increase confidence, satisfaction, higher earning potential, and new job opportunities for their users.


Chegg wanted to address a drop in user satisfaction, retention, and graduation rate on their Skills platform. User feedback showed that there was a lack of not engagement and enjoyment during the user's online course journey.

The idea of gamification had been discussed with UX teams previously and I was tasked with exploring it further.

I began with researching existing gamification methods on existing platforms and competitors. I next worked within Chegg’s style guidelines to come up with a series of icons, badges, and cards to be used along the user's journey. The users would achieve and collect badges and awards along their learning journey through award overlays, toasts, and animations.

These badges and achievements also needed to be accessed through a dashboard and award gallery so the user could find their achievements easily while staying on task.

While some of these badges could be obtained during the onboarding process to help increase onboarding completion rate, other badges were found throughout the courses to create a sense of engagement, excitement, and progress. Higher user satisfaction would help increase Chegg's graduation and completion rates.

The new award and achievement system provided Chegg with an on brand and engaging method of retaining users while helping motivate them forward towards their goals.


During the development of the badges and gamification, there was a sense of enjoyment among the team itself which carried over to the test users as well.

There was also encouraging positive feedback from executive stakeholders who were hoping to develop this concept further in the very near future to be coupled with an overall redesign of the Chegg Skills learning experience.

Black Flower Design Studio



Designed by Black Flower Design Studio © 2024 V2.1